Crossing the Pacific: The Family Stories of a Chinese Immigrant

Crossing the Pacific: The Family Stories of a Chinese Immigrant
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At the turn of the twentieth century, China was still in the hands of the imperial Qing Dynasty government. In 1911, the revolution led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen finally succeeded in overthrowing the corruptive Qing Dynasty, and the Republic of China was born. In subsequent decades, the Nationalist government was exhausted in fighting consecutively wars against the Chinese War Lords, the war against the Japanese aggression, and the Civil War with the Chinese Communists. Chaotic situations in the nation had lasted for most of the twentieth century.

My parents and my siblings of five lived our lives in that century. Although our family, except for my sister and her family, had fortunately escaped the unprecedented massive destruction, the associated social turbulence, and the political persecution by the Chinese government toward its citizens in the decades of the twentieth century, we were forced to leave mainland China. Our parents and many people in their generation lived the rest of their lives overseas like drifting leaves in unfamiliar societies with nostalgia. My parents passed away in Taipei, Taiwan and in Manhattan, Kansas in the 1970’s. What they wished and longed for was simply the togetherness of family members, and was never achieved in their lives.

Because of the age differences between our siblings, the experiences of our lives were quite different. We each managed to find a way to make a living, strive for the best and we all survived under various circumstances during the turbulent times. This book "Crossing the Pacific" describes the true family stories of an ordinary Chinese immigrant. Just because of its ordinary nature, these stories would certainly not be able to make their way to the history books. However, these true family stories which fully reflect the complicated historical events of our times are surely worth writing down and leaving them to our children and future generations in America!




Y. P. Lu received his Mechanical Engineering degrees from the National Taiwan University in Taipei, Taiwan in 1958, and from the University of Houston in Houston, Texas in 1964 and 1967. After receiving his doctorate in Mechanical Engineering, he spent his entire professional career at the David Taylor Research Center in Annapolis, Maryland as an engineer / scientist / technical manager until he retired in 1995. In the intervening years, he also taught at different times at the University of Maryland, the United States Naval Academy, the Catholic University of America, the National Taiwan University, and the National Taiwan Ocean University. He co-authored a graduate level technical book entitled “Vibration Damping of Structural Elements” in 1995. After retirement, he authored “Drifting Roots” (in Chinese) in 2013. While studying at the National Taiwan University in the mid 1950’s, he was the captain of the University’s varsity basketball team. He was also a member of Lan Sheng, a rather famous basketball team on the island of Taiwan in the 1950’s. He and his wife Cecilia currently reside in Odenton, Maryland.

盧業裴,祖籍湖北省天門市,國立台灣大學機械工程學系畢業,獲有美國德克薩斯州,州立休士頓大學,機械工程碩士和博士學位。畢業後,任職於美國泰勒研究中心,畢生從事於高科技研發工作,曾任工程師,科學家,和科技管理人員,直到一九九五年退休。在工作年間,先後任教於美國馬里蘭州立大學,美國海軍官校,美國天主教大學,國立台灣大學,和國立台灣海洋大學。一九九五年,合著有高科技『結構的振動阻尼』(Vibration Damping of Structural Elements)一書(英文版),二○一二年,著有自傳體的回憶錄『漂泊的浮萍』(Drifting Roots)一冊(英文版)。在大學期間,曾任國立台灣大學籃球校隊隊長,也是當年頗具盛名的『籃聲』籃球隊的隊員。現居美國馬里蘭州。


Table of Contents
About the Book
About the Author
Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 2. Remembering Family Past in China
2-1. In Remembrance
2-2. During the War: On the Run
2-3. During the War: Helping Relatives
2-4. During the War: In the Village
2-5. During the War: Life under Mother’s Guard
2-6. Leaving the Homeland

Chapter 3. Life on the Island of Taiwan
3-1. Finding New Lives
3-2. High School Days (1948-1954)
3-3. Recollection of Campus Life
3-4. Recalling College Years (1954-1958)
3-5. Taipei, Taiwan: Our Second Hometown

Chapter 4. A New Endeavor A Recollection of Life in Graduate School (1962-1967)
4-1. Looking Back
4-2. In the Beginning
4-3. Getting Started
4-4. Helping Hands
4-5. In Appreciation

Chapter 5. Our Life in Maryland
5-1. Fond Memories
5-2. Swimming: A Family Activity
5-3. Memorable Visits
5-4. Striving for Success

Chapter 6. In Memory of Beloved Parents
6-1. Goodbye, Parents!
6-2. Paying Respects with Love
6-3. Rest in Peace
6-4. In Commemoration
6-5. Belated Reunion

Chapter 7. Sabbatical Tours in Taiwan
7-1. A New Experience
7-2. Extracurricular Activities
7-3. A Family Vacation
7-4. An Exciting Experience
7-5. Work in Retirement

Chapter 8. Life in Retirement
8-1. In Retirement
8-2. Household Downsizing
8-3. Various Activities
8-4. The Spirit of Giving
8-5. Beautiful Setting Sun
8-6. Work of a Volunteer
8-7. A Letter to Our Daughter

Chapter 9. A Journey to China
9-1. En Route
9-2. Touring the Capital City
9-3. Enjoying the Mountains
9-4. The Yangtze River Cruise
9-5. Tracking the Southwest Route
9-6. Traveling in the South
9-7. Coming Home

Chapter 10. Sweet Memories
10-1. Remembering My Elementary School Era
10-2. Brethren in Bond
10-3. Reminiscence with a Smile
10-4. Nostalgia of Bygone Days
10-5. Our High School Class Slide Show

Chapter 11. Class Reunions and Reminiscences
11-1. Class Reunions in Early Years
11-2. A


This book describes the true family stories of a Chinese immigrant.
I was born in 1935 on mainland China shortly before the war against the Japanese aggression. With my parents and two brothers, I moved to Taiwan in my youth before the social and political chaos in China in the late 1940’s. Then after completing college education, I came to the United States in 1962. My life is closely attached to these three geographical locales: China, Taiwan and the United States. As an ordinary person, my stories will certainly not be found in the history book. However, my stories along with those of my siblings, as well as our deep and affectionate relationships with our parents, are truly inspirational.
At a young age, I was chosen by the family to carry on my mother’s maiden name - a Chinese custom when the mother’s side has no male heirs. Ordinarily, it would have been my destiny to be a farmer and tend the few acres of land in the village that was left to me by my maternal grandparents. As the chaotic events unfolded in China at that time and afterwards, it was completely beyond my expectation that I was transformed from an innocent poor country boy to a well-educated and productive member of the society. My family was most fortunate to have settled in America as a result of my parents unknowingly making the right decisions, on several occasions in early years. Later I myself experienced a few lucky turns and good fortune in my life.
Many names of persons and places both on Chinese mainland and on Taiwan are referred to in this book. I will follow the Chinese tradition putting one’s last name first unless it is often used in America. To transliterate the Chinese names based on the phonetic sound, there are, among others, the Wade-Giles system and the Pinyin system that are most commonly used for this purpose. It is difficult to adopt any particular system for the names in the stories. I have decided to use both systems depending on the circumstances. In referring to the names in China, I mostly used the Pinyin system, which is popular there. And I used primarily the Wade-Giles system, which has been used for many years in Taiwan, when I refer to names on the island. As to the name of a person, the overriding exception of this rule is to transliterate it normally used by the individual himself, or commonly used by the general public.
From my past reading experiences, it is rather difficult to read books written in English describing stories associated with Chinese names of places or persons such as those in this book. For the benefit of the readers, Chinese names of places or persons which are considered important in the context of the stories will be placed in the text right after the names in English when it appears for the first time.
As the metric system is used both in China and in Taiwan, kilometers will be used when distances are referred to in that region; while in America, miles will be used instead.
The family referred to in this book began with my grandparents. They had five children, all born in China at the end of Chinese Imperial Qing Dynasty. My father was the youngest. They were all long gone years ago. My parents also had five children, all born in Hubei Province, China. We are all married, have our own families, and are currently living in America and in Great Britain. My wife Cecilia and I have three children, all born in the United States.
Our hometown in China is Tianmen, Hubei Province where my ancestors had lived for hundreds of years.
The mighty Yangtze River is the longest river in China, and the third longest in the world after the Amazon in South America and the Nile in Africa. It is a cradle of ancient Chinese civilization, and has been China’s lifeline for thousands of years. The river is about 6300 kilometers long originating from the Kunlun Mountains in Qinghai Province in southwestern China, flowing from west to east through several provinc



    • 語言
    • 英文
    • 裝訂
    • 紙本平裝
    • ISBN
    • 9781625030818
    • 分級
    • 普通級
    • 頁數
    • 450
    • 商品規格
    • 22.9*15.2
    • 出版地
    • 台灣
    • 適讀年齡
    • 全齡適讀
    • 注音
    • 級別



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